Birthday Trip to Sweden!

A couple months ago, my brother sent me a text message that read "If I can get tickets to eat at Faviken, will you fly to Sweden with me for my birthday?"  Of course, my response was a resounding YES! 

An amazing chef himself, James is a culinary traveler with an adventurous palate.  I had never heard of Faviken before that text message but I was thrilled at the chance to travel with my brother so I was open to trying anything.  I quickly Googled Faviken and found that it was described as the world's most daring restaurant!  One of the top ten restaurants in the world, it has been awarded two Michelin stars. 

Faviken turned out to be well worth the trip and James turned out to be a top-notch travel partner!  I just returned from his birthday trip and the memories of this great experience will be with me for a lifetime!  



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