What a fantastic day!

It's been getting below freezing here for the past several days. I really needed to get some work done outside and today was the day...I cleaned up the yard, cleaned out the chiminea and worked in the garden.

My plan is to give the lasagna gardening method a try. I raked this year's soil and mulch smooth and sprinkled 2 huge bags of coffee grounds over the top. For anyone who isn't already aware - Starbucks gives away free bags of their spent espresso grounds! I covered that with several inches of fallen leaves and topped that off with wet newspaper. I poured liquid compost over the whole thing and put down several sheets of cardboard. We'll see how all that works!

As I was shifting things around found this little guy:

I also harvested a bunch of Rosemary and tried to insulate my herbs so they'll survive winter...fingers crossed!


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