Metal Tape is AWESOME!

A while back I saw this totally badass tutorial on how to use metal foil tape in mixed media projects. It worked on my mind for a while and finally I just had to try it.  I am SO glad that I did!  I have a love for boxes and tins so I decided to start there rather than a card.  This is how it turned out:

 Freakin cool, right!?!
I enjoyed the process so much that I can’t seem to stop making things using this technique!   I was really wanting to do an aviation themed box for our living room since we have a really cool plane picture and a full sized propeller on the wall. 
I used the Silhouette Cameo to  make the layers of this propeller:

I added some metal embellishments...

I made the plane on the Silhouette as well.  Do you see that copper dome in the corner?  That's a penny that I shaped in the doming block that I got as a Christmas gift.
The end results:



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