
During the past year, and especially the past several months, my focus has been on what to do with the rest of my life and what state/city I plan to do it in. I've considered Seattle and Minneapolis since I would have family in both. When it comes right down to it though I have lived in Arkansas for longer than I've ever lived anywhere else and the thought of leaving here makes me very anxious. 

The lease at this house will be up in April and I'll be looking for a new place to rent. It has served its purpose as a place of transition but I'm ready for a place that has a washer and dryer and a bit more space. It's exciting to think of moving into a place with a few more conveniences and one in which I haven't gone through such massive upheavals as I have in this one. 

The only thing is...I'm so damn tired of moving! When I was in Wisconsin my mom and I tallied up the times we've moved and my count is over 50. I've lived in 21 different houses in Wisconsin, at least 3 in Texas, 1 in Arizona, 1 in Chicago which we moved in and out of several times, 5 in Colorado, 3 in Minnesota, and 6 in Arkansas. My mom can add over a dozen more to that list but these are the places that I actually remember. Also, that doesn't include times where we lived in our vehicle or a motel or stayed with friends. 

I want a home that I don't ever have to move from...It's going to take me a while to get there but in the meantime, I'll be packing boxes and searching Craigslist for the next big move... :-)


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