What I Love About Arkansas....

Okay...I'm over the homesick thing so now I think it's time to make a list of some of what I love about being here.....

It's ZONE 7 for pete's sake!!!! There hasn't been frost yet and I have over 100 peppers still ripening in the garden...unheard of Up North!

Crepe Myrtles




Trees...no but really...MANY, MANY trees!

The accent

Men...they always let women go first, hold the doors, etc.

New friends

Heifer International is based here.....if you haven't yet checked them out...please do!

Fried catfish (in cornmeal) with hushpuppies and green tomato relish!

See...there really is alot that I love about Arkansas...and in closing let me tell you about the event that started my love affair with this place:

I hadn't been down here too long when John brought me to the Quitman Catfish Barn....It's this great buffet restaurant in a tiny little town...great food, great atmosphere... Well...we got there and it was just packed..so we were standing at the front waiting for a table to open up...and an older couple that was at a table for 4 invited us to sit with them....

LOL...I know everyone from WI/MN just gasped...Y'all know I was VERY put off by it...and of course my natural inclination was to say no thank you...BUT...John said, "well we sure will"...MUCH to my discomfort....

Well ya know what?....We had a great time...talked and talked with them and everytime we saw them afterwards we shared friendly greetings and conversation. Now I can't say that it never would have happened Up North...But it damn sure is something that would never happened anywhere that I've ever been....

So that had me hooked...I fell a little bit in love with Arkansas that day.........


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